
pause sound

Websynradio-29-mars-12-avril 2012


Ricky Spontane - Cecyl Taylor -Angus Carlyle - Kassel Jager - Delia Derbyshire - Sylvain Marquis - Julia Drouhin - Robert Hampson - OttoannA Federated States of Micronesia - Alan Dunn - Eliane Radigue - Christian Zanesi - Virgile Novarina & Ocean Viva Silver Balade Paradoxale (live performance) - Claudia Wegener - Phill Niblock - Bernard Parmegiani - Gherasim Luca - Pierre Albert Birot - Jean Cocteau - Samuel Beckett - Richard Prince Catherine

Outre l’hommage sous-jacent au merveilleux film d’Hal Ashby dont le héros se prénomme « Chance », le but de cette sélection est de créer un cabinet de curiosités sonores telles qu’elles ont été collectées au fil de voyages. Artistes découverts sur une scène de Liverpool, il y a déjà deux décennies, rencontrés lors de performances à Rio ou à la Biennale de Venise, compagnons de l’expérience GRM, mentors académiques, partenaires artistiques, les tonalités sont délibérément éclectiques, à l’image du hasard … quant aux références plus classiques, extraites de la caverne UBUWEB, elles aussi sont apparues au bout de fils invisibles. Dans ce maillage elliptique de rencontres, l’épiphanie relative à quelqu’un comme Cecil Taylor, par exemple, est née d’un documentaire réalisé par Gérard Patris, et produit par Luc Ferrari dans la série Les Grandes Répétitions… œuvres, idées et synchronicités s’enchevêtrent… Merci à tous les participants et que ce voyage sonore se poursuive dans l’oreille de l’auditeur.


Besides the underlying tribute to Hal Ashby’s wonderful film on a hero named « Chance », the purpose of this playlist is to create a cabinet of sonic curiosities as they were collected on a traveller’s path. Artists seen live in Liverpool two decades ago, met on the occasion of performances in Rio or the Venice Biennial, as part of the GRM experience, or in a more academic context, artistic sidekicks…These are deliberately eclectic tones, mimicking life’s randomness. as for the more classic references extracted from the UBUWEB vault, again, invisible threads led to them. In this elliptic mesh of encounters, the epiphany regarding someone like Cecil Taylor, for instance, came from a documentary by Gerard Patris, produced by Luc Ferrari as part of Les Grandes Répétitions… entangled works, ideas and synchronicities… Thanks to all the participants and may this sonic journey continue to unfold in the ear of the listener. – Valérie Vivancos

Ricky Spontane Ward Six
Cecyl Taylor Chinampas
Angus Carlyle Hutong Looming
Kassel Jager Via Alighieri
Delia Derbyshire Falling
Sylvain Marquis The Wheel House Patterns
Julia Drouhin TinCanTelephon (Tristan Stowards’ installation)
Robert Hampson Nebulae
OttoannA Federated States of Micronesia (radio edit)
Alan Dunn aka AD&thefilmtaxi A list of songs not on this CD (from ‘Artists uses of the word revolution’ 2009)
Eliane Radigue Arthesis
Christian Zanesi Audio Visage
Virgile Novarina & Ocean Viva Silver Balade Paradoxale (live performance)
Claudia Wegener Vucedol Song
Phill Niblock Nataliawork
Bernard Parmegiani La Roue Ferris
Gherasim Luca Son Corps léger
Pierre Albert Birot Poèmes à crier et à danser / Chant 1 / L’ Avion / Chant III
Jean Cocteau La Voix Humaine
Samuel Beckett L’image (lu par Denis Lavant)
Richard Prince Catherine


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Ricky Spontane Ward Six 

Hiding from the doorbell of clipboarded officialdom, feeling similar to a character in the Chekhov short story of the same name…. They’re coming to get ya… yes they are…!!!

Ricky Spontane, the “garage-punk behemoths it’s ok to snog during your first date”, as the NME once said of them, formed in LIverpool in the 1990’s, and are: Richard Batchelor, the singer/guitarist with a massive Fats Domino obsession, Stephen A Wood on guitar and backing vocals, Talya S Davies on drums, Richard Osborne on bass and backing vocals, and Adrian Burke on keyboards… Now based in London and Chartres, the band have recently released their third CD, the limited-edition mini album “Spontane 3”, from which this track, “Ward Six” is taken. As ever, it features great, concise songwriting and the band’s trademark noises; keening vocals over lonely psychedelic guitar chords, rollickingly strident bass and drums, and of course, the perfect sound of their favourite ever keyboard, the Casio MT40!


  • Cecyl Taylor Chinampas      



  • Angus Carlyle Hutong Looming

(sound composition, 4"59’)

A piece produced for “Noli Me Tangere” (a ‘sound walk’ around Brighton Museum and Art Gallery) commissioned by the Soundwaves Festival 2011.http://touch-me-not.posterous.com/hutong-looming#

Angus Carlyle is a researcher at CRiSAP at the University of the Arts, London. He is curious about how we make sense of our environment through sound. He edited the book “Autumn Leaves” for Double Entendre (2007), made the sound work “51° 32 ’ 6.954” N / 0° 00 ’ 47.0808” W” for the “Sound Proof” group show (2008), co-curated the exhibition “Sound Escapes” at Space Gallery in London (2009) and produced the CD “Some Memories of Bamboo” (2009) for the label Gruenrekorder. For the last 18 months he has primarily been working on “Air Pressure” with anthropologist Rupert Cox and scientist Kozo Hiramatsu, which culminated in an exhibition at the Whitworth Gallery Manchester (2011-2012).


  • Kassel Jager Via Alighieri

Part of an and/OAR online companion project for Translations of Opacity - For Michelangelo Antonioni, made in homage to the late Italian director. http://www.and-oar.org/pop_andp33.html

Kassel Jaeger lives and works in Paris. Most of his works are published by Senufo Editions and Unfathomless. He’s a member of GRM. www.kasseljaeger.com


  • Delia Derbyshire Falling           

  • Sylvain Marquis The Wheel House Patterns  4 

Sylvain Marquis, The Wheel House Patterns
(For 3 electric pianos, 3 synthesizers, 3 optional electric bass guitars - Computer generated version, 2010 - details at http://www.sylvain-marquis.com/music/process/)
it sky was grey like under a mansion british little landscape an interlocking, days or waving or days, interlocking a landscape little british mansion an under like grey was sky it, it was like sky a grey british under landscape mansion interlocking, little or a waving days waving, or an interlocking little landscape mansion british under a grey like sky was it, it was like a british sky landscape grey interlocking under, or mansion waving little days, a days little waving mansion or under interlocking grey landscape sky british, it was like a british landscape interlocking sky, or grey waving under days mansion, a little mansion days under waving grey or sky interlocking, it was like a british landscape interlocking, or waving sky days grey, an under little mansion a little under a grey days sky waving, it was like a british landscape interlocking, or waving days, a sky little grey mansion under little grey a sky days, it was like a british landscape interlocking, or waving days, a little mansion under grey sky

Sylvain Marquis is musician, teacher, roleplayer and iaidoka.
He likes udon noodles cooked in homemade miso sauce with wakame seaweed, grilled tofu and chicken cubes.


  • Julia Drouhin TinCanTelephon

“Imagine if we ran out of electricity! How would life be different?” Tristan Stowards.
Julia Drouhin recorded Tristan Stowards’ installation, Tin Can Telephone, at the Salamanca Art Center in Hobart, Tasmania, in 2011. Strings, cans, rocks, radiophonic melodies and spaces are connected when the listener puts his ear to a can. If we ran out of electricity, we could always scrape the strings of a disembodied connexion, a disconnected communication, a psychic modification.


  • Robert Hampson Nebulae

(for Christian Zanesi)Vibrö 4 (track 02)

A companion piece or coda to the piece ‘Umbra’ composed for the GRM in 2005 and diffused on the Acousmonium. Its main sound source is from a short recording of a hand held cymbal bowed with a violin bow. Several eq’s and transpositions passes were then layered and used as a guide to the overall dynamic. Concrete sounds of pine cones, marbles, steel plates and glass were then added textures.

Robert Hampson is an English musician and composer, known primarily as the guitarist and co-founder of the bands Loop and Main. In 1996, Main became a solo project for Hampson who then abandoned the guitar altogether. He temporarily deactivated it in 2006, a time when he was invited to compose and perform on a regular basis by the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) in Paris. In October 2010, Hampson reactivated Main, which along with his solo acousmatic work, acts as a collaborative performing and recording project with fellow sound artists.



  • OttoannA Federated States of Micronesia

(radio edit)

Co-founded by Valerie Vivancos & Rodolphe Alexis in 2004 in Paris, OttoannA is a sonic duo slowly crafting streams of drones, modulated noise, electronic experiments, concrete composition, distant refrains, situationist drifts, random narratives, collective recollections and hypnagogic states …

Federated States Of Micronesia was composed from a chance operation mixing the names of geographic coordinates selected through a random process and treated field-recordings. A static trip inspired by the music of unexplored places. A semi-improvised composition, it was first performed in March 2010nat the Lieu Unique, in Nantes (Festival [Sonor] ).


  • Alan Dunn (aka AD&thefilmtaxi) A list of songs not on this CD

(from 'Artists uses of the word revolution’ 2009)

Alan Dunn curates sound art collections on CD around themes such as revolution, dripping water, grey, the number 4 or a history of background. Each collection - produced in editions of 1,000 and given away freely - contains archival material on which Dunn secures permissions alongside new works by artists and art students from Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

  • Eliane Radigue Arthesis            

  • Christian ZanesAudio Visage

Vibrö 3 (track 06)

Audio Visage, is somehow based on the sounds of radio: carrier frequencies, parasite voices, scanning, cutaway…The air is saturated with wireless vibrations, if only we could see them – I have dreamt about it – the sky would be the colour of a polar night crossed by flashes of lightning and traces of voices. Audio Visage is constructed like a magnetic storm

Christian Zanési is a French composer artistic director of the the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM). He has initiated many projects in the field of radio, publications and musical events including. Since the '90s, Zanési has been composing from his home studio and drawing his inspiration from the poetic encounter with remarkable sounds.


  • Virgile Novarina & Ocean Viva Silver Balade Paradoxale

(live performance excerpt)

Virgile Novarina is a French artist who explores deep sleep through writings, drawings, photos and videos. “Initially, his approach has less to do with poetic research than with exploration and the result is primarily the emphasis of a physiological phenomenon” http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgile_Novarina

A collaborative piece, the 4 hours long “paradoxical drift” performance is a direct mix and treatment by OVS of the sounds emanating from the sleep of Virgile Novarina - more detail here

  • Claudia Wegener Vucedol Song

As a result of her “fluvial residency” on the Danube boat, radio continental drift contributed a sizeable archive of “dramatic” field-recordings from the streets of Belgrade and Vukovar; and the audio piece VUCEDOL SONG towards the final event. Below is the text originally published with the piece; and links to sample clips.


  • Phill Niblock Nataliawork                            
  • Bernard Parmegiani La Roue Ferris         
  • Gherasim Luca Son Corps léger              
  • Pierre Albert Birot Poèmes à crier et à danser 

       / Chant 1 / L’ Avion / Chant III                 

  • Jean Cocteau La Voix Humaine                
  • Samuel Beckett L'image

(lu par Denis Lavant)                                

  • Richard Prince Catherine                   

A workshop for the review Droit de Cités and a radio program hosted by Dominique Balaÿ.
WebSYNradio is an independent radio program whose broadcast is streamed 24/7.
Every week an artist is invited to offer a totally new experience with a program largely borrowed - though not exclusively- from the flow of archives available on the Internet and particularly on ubuweb.
As an online review whose interest focuses on current intellectual, artistic and political issues, constructively and through discussion, Droit de Cités brings together actors from these various domains. Each publication proposes a thematic report that brings to light and develops the most pressing intellectual concerns of the moment.
It also provides gateways to online independent workshops and forums for artists from all disciplines.
WHO ? 
WebSYNradio brings together novel propositions from artists or intellectuals that are for the most part well-established on the international scene :
Adam Nankervis, Anton Fier, Angelo Vermeulen, Aki Onda, Atau Tanaka, Brandon LaBelle, Bruno Letort, Bryan Lewis Saunders, C Spencer Yeh, Carl Michael von Hausswolff, Carl Stone, Chloe Piene, Christian Zanesi, David Goldenberg, David Shea, David Watson, Dinah Bird, Douglas Gordon, Erik Truffaz, Franck Scurti, Fred Forest, Israël Martinez, John Zorn, Joseph Ghosn, Joseph Nechvatal, Kaffe Matthews, Kato Hideki, Knut Aufermann, Liliane Giraudon, Luca Francesconi, Marc Hurtado, Martha Rosler, Matali Crasset, Miltos Manetas, Noël Akchoté, Olga Kisseleva, Paul Schütze, Philippe Beck, Philippe Rahm, Richard Pinhas, Robin Rimbaud – Scanner, Rodolphe Burger, Roy Nathanson, Rudy Ricciotti, Seb Jarnot, Shoko Nagai, Stephen Vitiello, Tania Mouraud, Valérie Vivancos, William Winant, Zimoun & Leerraum [ ], Zoulikha Bouabdellah …


Outre l’hommage sous-jacent au merveilleux film d’Hal Ashby dont le héros se prénomme « Chance », le but de cette sélection est de créer un cabinet de curiosités sonores telles qu’elles ont été collectées au fil de voyages. Artistes découverts sur une scène de Liverpool, il y a déjà deux décennies, rencontrés lors de performances à Rio ou à la Biennale de Venise, compagnons de l’expérience GRM, mentors académiques, partenaires artistiques, les tonalités sont délibérément éclectiques, à l’image du hasard … quant aux références plus classiques, extraites de la caverne UBUWEB, elles aussi sont apparues au bout de fils invisibles. Dans ce maillage elliptique de rencontres, l’épiphanie relative à quelqu’un comme Cecil Taylor, par exemple, est née d’un documentaire réalisé par Gérard Patris, et produit par Luc Ferrari dans la série Les Grandes Répétitions… œuvres, idées et synchronicités s’enchevêtrent… Merci à tous les participants et que ce voyage sonore se poursuive dans l’oreille de l’auditeur.




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